Partners in the Arts:
Ways to Support the Northern Virginia Chorale
The Northern Virginia Chorale is supported by the generosity of ARTSFAIRFAX, Virginia Commission for the Arts, and National Endowment for the Arts, in addition to other donors and patrons who have given to us through our fundraising activities. We are deeply grateful to these people and entities for their continued support of our mission to enrich the community with the joy of choral music.
If you would like to support our Chorale, as we strive to bring exceptional choral music to the Northern Virginia community, you may do so by: buying tickets to our concerts; making a donation; purchasing an advertisement featured in our concert programs, and making purchases through our Fundraising page.
Tickets are available for purchase from our Box Office page during our concert seasons—which typically run from September through May. The Northern Virginia Chorale holds three yearly concerts, and also participates in special concerts at other times of the year. We accept contributions online through PayPal, by mail, and in person, at our concerts. The links below will provide you with additional information on each option, including payment information. Your contribution is fully tax deductible. We appreciate your support of the Northern Virginia Chorale’s choral arts, and our singing community!

Purchase Tickets to our Concerts:
Purchasing tickets to our concerts is a perfect way to make a tax-deductible donation! — Please visit our Box Office page, to learn about our ticket options and prices, and how to purchase them online. |

Make a Donation to the Chorale:
Individual members, non-members, organizations, and businesses in our area who would like to contribute to the arts may choose to make a donation at a number of different levels. —Please learn more about our options, by visiting our Donations page. |

Advertise in our Concert Programs:
Businesses and individuals have an opportunity to be listed in our concert programs by purchasing an advertisement space; three different sizes are available. —To learn more about purchasing an ad to place in our programs, please review the information covered on our Advertisements page. —You may also view some of our current advertisers here. |

Join the Chorale as a Singing Member:
The Chorale is always looking for new singers to join as members with us. Please visit our New Singers page, to learn about auditioning dates and times. — New members may ask their section leader about dues payments. |

Participate in our Fundraisers:
We have fundraisers for the Chorale on occasion, and some Chorale members may also provide goods or services for which they donate a percentage of their sales to us. —Please visit our Fundraisers page, to learn more. |

Through Generous Grants Provided to Us:
We greatly appreciate the generous grants provided to us by ARTSFAIRFAX, Virginia Commission for the Arts, and National Endowment for the Arts. —Please visit the ARTSFAIRFAX website, to learn more about their many arts activities and events, by clicking on the ARTSFAIRFAX logo, shown below. |
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